
Provides directory information on businesses, households, and healthcare professionals in the United States. Includes a job search, detailed maps, business email addresses, and much more.
Provides directory information on businesses, households, and healthcare professionals in the United States. Includes a job search, detailed maps, business email addresses, and much more.
The following books, journals, websites, newsletters and databases provide timely and beneficial information for anyone interested in business. If you are starting a small business, needing economic data, or wanting to find the history of a company, these resources will be invaluable. Corporate decisions affect the lives of us all nowadays; new products are changing […]
Provides critical business information, including company and industry profiles, country reports, market research reports, peer-reviewed articles, and much more.
Examines different industries in the United States with information on current leaders and conditions. Includes manufacturing, agriculture, service, mining, and construction industries, among others.
Introduces concepts of business and finance, including economics, banking, accounting, marketing, management, investment, and more.
Presents information for aspiring and current small business owners, including financing, financial planning, business plan creation, market analysis, sales strategy, tax planning, human resource issues, and more.
Searches the contents of several databases at once, so high school students can find information and primary source documents on topics including language arts, business, careers, technology, science, math, and more.
Presents comprehensive financial information and independent analysis on investments, including mutual funds, stocks, ETFs, and CEFs.
Contains legal forms and a tool to help fill them out, including forms for estate planning, real estate, business, and more.
Discusses key points and controversies in the history of worker’s rights and wages in the United States. Includes timeline of significant events and primary source documents.