Adult Collection
We Have All the Stories
From timeless classics to contemporary bestsellers, our shelves are filled with a diverse range of literary works that cater to every reader’s taste.
Whether you’re in the mood for a gripping mystery, a heartwarming romance, or an inspiring memoir, we’ve got you covered.
Our collection features both fiction and non-fiction books that will take you on a journey through different cultures, times, and perspectives.
So come on in, explore our collection, and find the perfect book to lose yourself in. We promise that with us, you’ll never run out of stories to read.
From Our Collection
What's New for Adult Readers
From bestsellers to hidden gems, we’ve got something for everyone. Come explore what’s new and discover your next great read!
Never miss a new release again
Favorite Authors
Stay informed and ahead of the literary curve with our ‘Favorite Author’ service, providing easy access to the latest releases from your beloved authors.
Simply visit the ‘Favorite Authors’ signup website, enter your card number, and choose your favorite authors from our extensive list.
By signing up for automatic holds, you’ll secure your spot at the top of the waitlist for new titles by these sought-after authors. Tailored for adult readers, this service ensures you’re well-informed and among the first to dive into the latest literary treasures.
We are always open
Digital Books, Magazines & Audiobooks
We offer a wide selection of digital books, magazines and audiobooks that can be accessed online from anywhere with a library card.
No library card? You can dive right into our digital collections using a UAPL E-Card. Learn more and apply here.
Find yourself in a shared story
For Book Clubs
Ask for our Book Clubs In A Bag and other helpful materials to start or continue your book club experience.
Our librarians are always looking out for you
We Advise Readers
Let our knowledgeable librarians help you find your next big story, the thrill of a lifetime, the best book on your favorite topic, or the perfect companion for a cozy evening.
Find your next book
LibraryReads is a monthly Top 10 list of books chosen by librarians all over the country. You can see the current and past lists at
Join our Adult Department’s Goodreads Group: connect with your librarians and other Goodreads Group members to discuss and share book recommendations.
Find your next great read
Our staff can help you choose the perfect title.
Monday – Thursday: 10am – 8pm; Friday: 10am – 6pm; Saturday: 10am – 5pm; Sunday: 1pm – 5pm