Provides directory information on businesses, households, and healthcare professionals in the United States. Includes a job search, detailed maps, business email addresses, and much more.
Provides directory information on businesses, households, and healthcare professionals in the United States. Includes a job search, detailed maps, business email addresses, and much more.
Searches the contents of several databases at once, so middle school students can find information on topics including animals, geography, current events, math, and language arts.
Contains listings from the Gale Directory of Publications and Broadcast Media for radio stations, television stations, and cable companies, including those from the United States and Canada, and listings from the Encyclopedia of Associations for national organizations in the United States.
Features information on animals, including metazoans, insects, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals.
Provides a guide to the meaning and history of words from across the English speaking world, including quotations tracing changes in meaning over time.
Contains in-depth, peer-reviewed summaries of a variety of topics, including history, psychology, economics, physics, and more.
Offers concise introductions to a diverse range of subject areas, including climate, algebra, economics, literary theory, and more.
Presents a global record of human events from prehistory until 2004, including events in the arts and humanities, education, transportation, science and medicine, politics, and war, among others.
Searches our collection of Salem Press eReference titles to find concise, clear articles and information on a variety of topics, including history, medicine, science, and social sciences.
Features information on popular culture, including films, music, print materials, sports, television, radio, art, performance, and more.